
3/31/2019 - 4/28/2019

RISE is a four-part series covering the life of Jesus leading up to and culiminating with his death, burial, and resurrection. Part 1 discusses the topic of who Jesus is. Part 2 goes in to what Jesus has done (for you, and the world). Part 3 covers what Jesus is calling us to do (ministering to thise within our sphere of influence.) Finally, Part 4 focuses on how to return to Jesus when we find our selves separated by sin and/or life events.

In This Series

  1. Rise - Part 3: What He Is Calling Us To Do
  2. Rise - Part 2: What He Has Done
  3. Rise - Part 1: Who He Is
  4. Rise - Part 4: Returning to Jesus
  5. Rise - Part 5: Breaking Out